Tutorial 3: Teaching with IIIF and Mirador
This basic tutorial will offer tips and tricks to those with little experience, and also provide pointers to more advanced information for those who want to dive deeper.
While there are multiple ways to produce transcriptions of IIIF-compliant materials, we're going to look From the Page for its ease of set-up and use. Below is an outline of what we'll cover when we look at this tool - but for a deeper dive please see the From the Page documentation (https://content.fromthepage.com/project-owner-documentation/)
Visit https://fromthepage.com/
Sign up for an account
if you just want to try out the platform, use the "Sign Up" option
if you think you might want to try running a class-sourced or crowd-sourced project, use the "Start Free Trial" option
To start your own project:
Find a IIIF object out in the world (see Tutorial 1 for hints about how to do that)
Load the object
Determine participation (limited, open to the world)
Determine transcription guidelines
Determine editorial practices
For an excellent overview of considerations when setting up a project in From the Page for teaching or classroom purposes, please see Dr. Laura Morreale's excellent slide deck at: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=DEE5371AC7986DD7!1151&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AFlZ_xw_ufA5wdE
Get your data out when the project is complete
IIIF uses the Web Annotation model for associating information between web resources. Read more about this model at https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/
Simple annotation creation
Review annotation tools (accessible via the "speech bubble" icon)
NB: to re-use annotations, they must be saved and associated with the IIIF object - out of scope for this webinar, but learn more at https://github.com/IIIF/awesome-iiif#annotations
Using Annotations
Example 1: The Library of a Humanist Prince (https://spotlight.vatlib.it/humanist-library) - hat tip to Paola Manoni and the Vatican Libraries team
Example 2: Annona, an Annotation Library (https://ncsu-libraries.github.io/annona/storyboard/) - hat tip to Niqui O'Neill and the NCSU Libraries team
Telling Stories with Annotations
CogApp: Storiiies - http://storiiies.cogapp.com/
Storiiies Editor: https://storiiies-editor.cogapp.com/
Example: https://storiiies.cogapp.com/viewer/aeqi/The-Stoning-of-Saint-Stephen
How did we make this?
Go to the Storiiies Editor (link above)
Fill out the initial form
Work through the interface to tell a story about your object
Save and share
Tip: we discussed finding the base image URL for a page within a IIIF item in the previous tutorials, but in short:
Open the manifest URL (https://purl.stanford.edu/qg312jm8718/iiif/manifest, for instance)
Navigate to the desired canvas (reminder: canvas is a IIIF term that we might think of as "page")
and then find the service @id - see highlighted line below
IIIF, because it provides a way to share resources on the web, is an excellent tool for reconstructing broken books or otherwise bringing together content held in many different institutions. Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis (director of the Medieval Academy of America) has incorporated this into her teaching at Simmons University and elsewhere to reconstruct manuscripts broken up by Otto Ege.
Read about her reconstruction of the Beauvais Missal here: https://brokenbooks2.omeka.net/
Fragmentarium: https://fragmentarium.ms/
Beauvais Missal in Fragmentarium: https://fragmentarium.ms/overview/F-4ihz
IIIF Manifest for the reconstruction: https://fragmentarium.ms/metadata/iiif/F-4ihz/manifest.json
Puzzles & Fun
IIIF provides access to images hosted by institutions around the world. Because these institutions are using the IIIF APIs to share content, we can use those images in a number of different contexts - including image-based puzzles and games that just need a web-accessible image to operate. Bonus: you don't have to host the image, you can just use the image - and libraries, archives, and museums get to know their content is being used in new and creative ways.
Simple slider puzzles. Example: http://blalbrit.github.io/2016-06-06-slide_puzzle.html
Jigsaw Puzzles. Hat tip to Emma Stanford for sharing this. See her Twitter thread at https://twitter.com/e_stanf/status/1233102000151126017
Make your own:
Find the image URL for a IIIF image that you want to turn into a puzzle *or* use a version of Mirador that allows you to crop an image (I'm using http://dms-data.stanford.edu/data/mirador_cropper/example.html in this example)
Enter it into the form with some metadata and create your puzzle
Next: share that puzzle widely! (https://jigex.com/fud8)
Join the Community
See https://iiif.io/community/ for all the ways you can participate and collaborate with colleagues around the world.
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